Zoom Call Summary 7.9.2020

Here is the summary for our most recent call:

School Opening Pushed Back- We discussed Governor’s decision around in person school closures through August 17th and the effects that may have on us. This includes those of us who have Kindergarten programs, and the need for care for school age children through the closures. There were a mixture of responses in our group including pushing back opening dates to align with this date, opening at the previously assigned date in August, and some Kindergarten programs to start online.

GOOD NEWS!- Arizona Enrichment Centers will continue to receive funding through August 31st! This is great news for those of us receiving this funding. If you have not yet applied it is an easy process for both families and schools. Go HERE for more information. Current TUSD Arizona Enrichment Centers will remain open until schools are directed to open at this time.

DES Flat Payments- We are still awaiting word on the continuation or stopping of DES flat payments for child care reimbursements.

No Small Matter- The documentary No Small Matter is now available to rent or own for anyone. Check it out HERE.

SAZAEYC Training- Join SAZAEYC next Thursday, July 16 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for an online, guided conversation, “Children’s Literature: A #BLM Sensitive Discussion.” For more information go HERE.

Survey- Please take a moment to fill out THIS 5 question survey for Community Foundation of Southern Arizona provided by Jennifer Parlin with the Pima County Cooperative Extension.

Massachusetts Resources- These two documents were provided by the Massachusetts Early Childhood community for communication to parents and staff, shared by Kelly Ann Larkin. They might be helpful to you. For Parents. For Staff.

Staffing- We spoke about staffing needs, and concerns. There were concerns voiced around the wait time on tests and that if you have to take a test you are told to stay home for 10 days whether or not it is negative. This leaves huge long gaps for staffing at centers. Additionally, we discussed payment and whether or not staff will be paid if they have to remain home. Please talk to your lawyer, or cpa about requirements for payment If you have staffing needs please post them to the SAZAEYC listserve, Registry.

Lambs Gate Position- Lambs gate is seeking a teacher. For more information see THIS posting.

Conversation with Raul Grijalva- Join us TODAY at 2:30pm to talk to Representative Raul Grijalva about early childhood needs in our community. For more information go HERE.

PPE Needs- We discussed PPE needs. Most centers in our group seemed to have what they need. Gloves seems to be the item most difficult to get at this time. Risa from The Sandbox reported that they use Dash Medical, additionally you can reach out to Emily Rebro with the Pima County Health Department for requests.

DES COVID Training- We discussed the DES Covid training that is on the AZ Registry and most centers in our group have had either one or all staff attend the training and found it to be very helpful. To sign up go to the AZ registry and search for DES Covid Training.

Covid Case- If you get a positive case a reminder that Emily Rebro is a great resource to talk you though next steps. Each center will need to make decisions around a positive case on an individual basis.

Waivers- April from St. Marks brought up the discussion around waivers and if parents or teachers should sign them. Many centers discussed not using them as recommended by their liability insurance companies and lawyers. Please talk to your lawyer for your center about this.

Thank you everyone! See you in two weeks on Wednesday July 22nd, 2pm.