Here is our summary from our zoom call:
Trusting Connections- Trusting connections is looking for teachers who can tutor in homes. For staff members who may not feel comfortable working at a center this may be a good option. http://www.trustingconnections.com/
CPR Classes- There are some CPR classes still available in person. Emily Rebro with Pima County Health Department provided the following information. https://www.lphealthdirections.com/ Additionally, Scott Laird with Rincon Valley Fire Dept. 444-8428 Slaird@rinconvalleyfd.org is willing to set up on site trainings if needed. Some schools have opted to do online CPR for this year.
PPE Training- AZAEYC is putting on a training about PPE tonight at 5:30pm. Last we checked it was full but it might be worth going on the waitlist. You can sign up through the registry.
Mask Webinar- Conscious Discipline put out this short webinar about mask wearing. https://consciousdiscipline.com/e-learning/webinars/four-ways-to-help-with-mask-wearing/
DES Subsidies- We have still yet to hear from DES about the plans for August for subsidies. We will update as soon as we find out.
The Play First Summit- The Play First Summit is going on right now and has had some amazing speakers and ECE professionals. It is free on the day to day basis but paid to be able to access all content. This one is highly recommended! https://theplayfirstsummit.com/
Grant Opportunity- See if your school might qualify for this grant from Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. http://cfsaz.org/grants-scholarships/covid-19
Book About Social Distancing- Check out this book about social distancing for children. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1735280801/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_image?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Paid Leave Example- Michelle Garmon shared this paid leave example at our last meeting. It may be helpful to you.
Ratios- We had a discussion about lower CDC recommended ratios and if everyone is following these, or able to keep these up, or changing their plans for the fall. The answers were mixed with many who are keeping to 10 or less and some who have raised the numbers in the classes due to demand and logistics.
School Age Children- We had a discussion about school age children and if schools plan to keep these children until they are able to go back to school. Some are making this decision on a month to month basis. Other schools are not able to accommodate for them beyond the summer.
Virtual Tour- If you have not yet made a virtual tour for yourself, and are not a videographer a recommendation would be to film one on your phone and use the app Splice (best to use on your phone) to make a quick video to show people around your school.
CDC Updated Protocols- The CDC recently updated protocols around when it is safe to be near others after you have been sick.
Toy Cleaning- We discussed toy cleaning and how often, and with what we are cleaning and disinfecting toys. Many centers are cleaning all items daily and using a bleach spray for two minutes to do so.
Enjoy the rainy day! See you in two weeks.