We started with a reminder to find joy in everyday, especially as we all navigate these challenging times.
-Governor’s Latest Decisions- Here are the latest decisions for the state of Arizona.
-Arizona Enrichment Center Expansion- It was announced today (5.14.20) that Arizona Enrichment Centers will now be expanded to include childcare food bank workers and grocery store employees.
-City Council Meetings- Advocate for childcare here in our city through attending your local City Council meeting. Email me if you are willing to represent your Ward and I will connect you with Michelle Crow from the Children’s Action Alliance. Second Street shared with us their experience from Wednesday. Thank you for representing!
-CDC Reopening Guidelines- In case you have not seen these yet, here are some helpful documents as you plan to reopen or make changes to your existing protocols if you are open.
-Masks- We had a discussion about the use of masks in our centers. In our coalition from the open centers we have masks are being used by staff members at some and not at others. PCHD is recommending the use of masks in the community when feasible.
-Childcare Aware New Infographic- Childcare Aware released a new infographic that is very helpful about reopening.
-Crosswalk Document- Pima County Health Department shared THIS crosswalk document that is very helpful in siting recommendations for the different health challenges we are facing at our centers.
-Licensing Fees- The Health Department is working with centers to do installment payments for licensing fees if needed. Contact your Licensing worker if this would be helpful to you.
-Supply Requests- There is a new procedure to request supplies if your center is in need. Email Emily Rebro (Emily.Rebro@pima.gov) and she will connect you with the Survey 123 system.
-Summer Camps- We discussed the Catalina Foothills School District opening their Community Schools program for families in need of care but they will not be hosting their regular summer camps. No one else had heard of other camps opening at this time.
-Current Needs- We came up with a list of current highest needs of centers in represented with our group. They are: supplies and access to purchase more than one item at a time including gloves, hand sanitizer, bleach, thermometers, hand soap, Clorox wipes), liability insurance that would cover COVID-19, Financial assistance with utilities, landscaping, materials as we prep to open with little to no income, PPP loans for centers who have not yet received any support, waiving of inspection fees, recommendations on group sizes especially as we start to fill back up, recommendations on sign in procedures that are more sanitary.
-Liability- Liability was an area of concern for directors, especially the potential for a parent or guardian to say that their child got COVID-19 from our center. We discussed following up with your lawyer for recommendations as to whether or not putting a policy around the known risks would be the right choice for your center.
-Shared Example New Protocols- HERE is an example letter to parents about new protocols. Feel free to copy what will work for your center.
Thanks everyone! You are each a valuable member of our ECE community and I am proud to stand along side you as we continue to serve our students and famililes.
Next Week NO MEETING. We will resume on May 27th 2pm. New link in the email for our recurring meeting link.