-We started with a reminder to celebrate your wins. In the sea of hard, and doubts there are still many things to celebrate with our teams and in our homes.
-We read and excerpt from an article which is very inspiring for leaders entitled Who do you Choose to Be? by Margaret Wheatley. We read the very last section the whole article is insightful.
-NEW STIMULUS MONEY- We did not discuss this but today 4.23.20 The government passed the release of more stimulus founds for the PPP. If you did not get in the first round, make sure your application is in with your bank! This is brand new so information is just barely rolling out about it.
-Child Care Closure Chart- This chart from Childcare Aware is helpful for centers deciding to close, stay open or reopen.
-NAEYC Webinar- NAEYC released a new webinar this week that was helpful. It covered more information on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Some notable points included if you received both a PPP loan and and EIDL the PPP is for staff and EIDL can be for other costs. The loans are 100% guaranteed but not without risk. Make sure you have all needed information before applying for the loan. Apply as soon as possible. There was also good information regarding unemployment and furlough. If your bank is saying they don’t have more funds there are other lenders you can look into using including Kabbage, Lendio and others. The also discussed that no collateral is required this is of particular interest for home care providers. They also recommended going to your local small business center as they do not charge for advice and resources. April from St. Marks recommended https://southernarizona.score.org/ for help.
-NAEYC Survey- A reminder to take this survey to help those who are advocating at the national level for us.
-Summer Survey- Here is an example survey for parents regarding reopening in the summer.
-DES Trainings for Staff- DES continues to release online trainings for staff. They can sign up for them on the registry.
-Quality First Slideshow- Quality First put together a slideshow that was very helpful on recommendations from CDC, ADHS and others to help centers that are open. Notable information includes: masks recommended for staff, use of PPE for certain procedures, having vulnerable staff and children consult with their doctors before coming, educating staff about the spread of disease. Overall this one is a good one to go through.
-Cleaning Schedule- This is an example cleaning schedule to guide your teachers in their classrooms.
-Pandemic Checklist- This is a checklist to help you plan for your center’s response and policies around COVID-19.
-Talking to Kids about COVID- There are lots of great resources being released about talking to kids about COVID. Here is one from Zero to Three.
-American Academy of Pediatrics- Released an FAQ about COVID. Most of it is repeated information we have heard but it might be helpful to you.
-Caring for Children in Childcare Settings Webinar– You can register for this webinar y the Office of Head Start on Friday 11am Arizona time.
-Office of Child Care- The office of Child Care released a webinar that is now available to watch for centers still open.
-Signs for your Center- These signs below should be hung at your center if you are open or re-opening soon.
Below are links to two Pima County Health Department Posters: (see all posters under the Print & Digital Media tab at the bottom of this page)
Facility Entrance Sign Letrero de Entreada
Stop the Spread Ayude a detener
Below are links to two CDC posters:
Stop the Spread of Germs Detenga la propagación de gérmenes
Covid-19 Fact Sheet Covid-19 Español
-Reporting to Pima County Health Department- You need to report to the PCHD if there is a case of COVID-19 in your school this is for staff members and children only and only if they were tested and the result was positive. It was reported that there have been cases of COVID-19 in Early Childhood Centers here in Pima County.
-AZAEYC Business Resources Page- This webpage is helpful with lots of business resources.
-AZAEYC and SAZAEYC Letter- AZAEYC and SAZEYC continue to advocate at the government level. They sent this letter yesterday to our Governor.
-Center on the Development Child- They released a podcast called the Brain Architects and have a new episode on COVID that is good.
-Tucson Regional Educator Collaborative (TREC)- They have a new webinar series that will be relevant to toxic stress and other stressors that are relevant to our struggles. You can register here.
-House Visits- A shared idea from Second Street about having teachers visit students at their homes to say goodbye and wrap up the year. Keeping safe distance of course.
-Thought-Luck- Another shared idea from Second Street of a ‘Thought-Luck’ zoom call for parents for them to talk, connect and process what is happening. Jenny and Jerri had a great conversation with their parents that was very meaningful.
Continue to share what you learn so we can share with everyone. Join us next week on Wednesday 2pm. Same link.