Happy Friday! Here is our summary from our meeting on 11.4.2020
–We Are One/Somos Uno Resiliency Fund Child Care Scholarships. – This is a great new scholarship that comes from the $500,000 that was voted to support childcare in our city. Providers can apply for this scholarship to help families who have been directly affected by COVID-19 to receive a temporary childcare scholarship. For more information, requirements, and to apply go HERE. There are limited funds and they must be spent quickly so apply today!
–DES Reimbursement Update- The latest update from DES regarding monthly payments is that January 2019 rate reimbursement payments are continuing through November.
– What’s Next Training- I will be hosting a training called What’s Next on Tuesday November 10th at 6pm, for families who have a child who is in pre-k or Kinder and want to learn more about the process of enrolling and options for elementary school. We will be going over private, public, charter and home schooling options. We will discuss Kinder Round ups, open enrollment, and tax credit opportunities. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please share THIS FLYER with your families by email and/or in paper.
-Quality First Redesign Update- The Quality First Redesign has put out an update. Participants have the option of choosing to do an informal assessment using the updated ERS-3 tools. Contact your TA today for more information and questions.
-Cost of Child Care Study- First Things First and DES are working to complete a study on the cost of child care. Fill out the SURVEY by November 20th to have your voice heard.
-Immunization Reports- A friendly reminder that immunization reports are due 11/15.
-Holiday Creativity- There are lots of creative ideas out there to keep the holiday spirit alive and well despite the challenges of COVID. Some fun ideas have been inviting parents to attend performances by Zoom, doing performances one class at a time at pick up or drop off times and outside so parents can attend in person.
-Licensing Focus Groups- Arizona PBS in collaboration with Southwest Human Development is hosting focus groups to help inform the next possible changes to licensing regulations in our state. To participate check out more information HERE.
–-SAZAEYC Virtual Conference- The SAZAEYC virtual conference is set for December 5th. Register HERE. There is a great line up of presenters and it is all from the comfort of your home.
We will be taking December off in light of the holidays. If any new developments come out they will be emailed out. I hope to see you at the SAZAEYC conference instead! Have a wonderful and healthy holiday season with your students and families. Thank you for continuing to make this community strong. Thank you for serving the children and families of our region with such love and dedication.