Happy Fall Everyone! Here are the notes from our monthly meeting.
First we asked everyone what their most influential Early Childhood book was. It was fun to hear everyone’s answers, how it impacted their love of ECE and gave some great reading recommendations. Click HERE to read the list of favorites! I did my best to include everyone’s including the correct editions, some I was not able to find due to not having the right title. Either way it is a great resource and I have a lot of reading I am excited about! I made it an Amazon list that links directly to books you can buy.
-COVID Vigilance- We had a short discussion about how many of the protocols around COVID are becoming mundane and it is easy to become more lax with procedures. We reminded each other to stay vigilant and cautious for the sake of our communities.
-Flu Shot Clinic- CVS is offering FREE flu shot clinics. You can have a flu shot clinic on your campus. This is a great way to get your campus immunized for the upcoming flu season. They only offer for adults but it is worth looking into. Thanks Second Street for the idea! There are some pediatricians offices who are doing drive-through flu shot clinics as well. You can encourage your famliles to take thier child to their pediatrician for their flu shots. Additionally, you should have flu notices out now for families and staff.
-Immunization Reports- A reminder that Immunization reports are due 11/15. Make sure to have your documentation ready to go! You will be receiving an email from ADHS with a link to the report you will send in.
-Update to Arizona Infant and Toddler Guidelines- The Arizona Department of Education just released a 2nd edition of the Arizona Infant and Toddler Guidelines. Check them out HERE.
-DES Reimbursements- We got an update that DES flat January Reimbursements are continuing through the month of October. Addtionally, DES approved 5 paid absences per child per month instead of the usual 2 paid absensces per month. It is unsure what is to come for November.
-DES Grant Money- If your center applied and were accepted for the grant money, you should have received your first check already.
-Waivers- Some centers have been having parents sign waivers and we have had many conversations about this as well. Quality First sent out a memo sighting that ADHS prohibits providers from requiring families to sign a liability waiver as a condition of enrollment. Since liability insurance is required by licensing, waivers are considered an attempt to circumvent those requirements. For more information go HERE.
-SAZAEYC Election- A reminder that SAZAEYC has ballots out for electing new board members. If you are a member take a few minutes to vote today. The email already went out.
-SAZAEYC Virtual Conference- The SAZAEYC virtual conference is set of December 5th. For more information go HERE.
-Monthly Subscription Boxes- Corey Planer, Director at St Andrews Presbyterian Preschool and Kindergarten, has been doing monthly subscriptions for her school that include activities and materials for the month for preschool at home. It has been successful for her school and families. This might be a great way to engage families who have their children at home. Thanks for sharing the idea Corey! You can see more information about how she is doing it on their website.
-The Preschool Podcast- Another good preschool podcast is called The Preschool Podcast. Lots of relevant topics. Great for the drive to and from school.
-What’s Next Training- I will be hosting a training called What’s Next on Tuesday November 10th at 6pm, for families who have a child who is in pre-k or Kinder and want to learn more about the process of enrolling and options for elementary school. We will be going over private, public, charter and home schooling options. We will discuss Kinder Round ups, open enrollment, and tax credit opportunities. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please share THIS FLYER with your families by email and/or in paper.
-PCHD Childcare and COVID Checklist- Pima County Health Department put forth this checklist for parents to consider when sending their child back to childcare.
-Thriving At Home- This is a helpful resource for parents with older children who are learning at home.
-New Grant Opportunity- There is a new grant opportunity through the YWCA for small business utility assistance. Many small childcare centers may qualify. For more information go HERE.
-New Childcare Money Approved- $500k was approved for childcare by our city council. It is still being decided how it will be dispersed. More information to come as we learn more.
-Mask Exchange- April Turner, Director of St. Marks Preschool and Kindergarten came up with a fun idea of a mask exchange between staff members. It’s always great learn from each other how to connect with staff and famililes and create moments of joy in the midst of the challenges. Thanks for sharing April!
-Is it Covid Or Not- Jenny Douglas, Director from Second Street shared this great graphic to help with determining if someone’s sickness is COVID or not? We discussed staff and children being sick and whether or not an emergency discount, tuition break or full staff pay are happening while people are out for longer amounts of time. We had different responses but it is a common challenge centers are facing.

-Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 4th at 2pm, same zoom link.
I leave you with encouraging words from Sally Haughey the founder of Fairy Dust Teaching
We are fierce Warriors of Wonder.
We are not here for the perfect classroom.
We are not here for the dogma of materials.
We are not here to please our administration or supervisors.
We are not here to appease the families and their wants.
We are not here to educate according to some purist ideal.
Oh. No.
We are here for the children.
We are here for the CHILDREN!!
We are here for the children no matter the circumstance.
Our pedagogy is the pedagogy of the heart.
Our method is connection.
Our curriculum is to see, hear and value every child.
Take away our materials.
Take away the play.
Take away what you will.
The Warriors of Wonder are unstoppable.
We are here for the children.
We always have been.