Here are some updates and information I have found helpful in the last few days:
-The Governor announced the opening of Arizona Enrichment Centers to help ease the child care needs. See announcement here. More information is to come by end of week. If you have questions about it you can email
-Arizona unemployment information if your center is having to make drastic cuts to hours or cannot pay employees.
More information can be found at
-The Governor has expanded unemployment which may affect you if you are having to lay off or reduce hours for staff. Here is an article about this.
-Families First Coronavirus Response Act H.R. 6201 We discussed this on our call but HERE is a resource that breaks it down nicely. And another article that also helps explain it. Seek legal and tax advice for what is best for your center.
-Ideas for expectations for teachers if your center is closed and you are still paying them at this time. Here is what I put together for them.
-Finally, please email me, and CCR&R if your center has extended its closure, or is opening back up again.
I invite you to our next Zoom call, this Friday, March 27th at 11am.