Happy Friday Everyone! Here is our summary from our call on Wednesday:
-Make Way for Books- Make Way for Books is opening up virtually learning communities for educators throughout Pima County. Once enrolled, educators will receive up to 15 hours of professional development, literacy materials and books! We look forward to working with you again. You are invited to participate in Make Way for Books’ year-long professional development series (The Story Project). Please visit this link: https://spark.adobe.com/page/oO6PbKkPEZ4rb/
-Grants- There are some AMAZING opportunities for Grants for Child Care programs. Check out THIS to see if your program qualifies. This map will also help you to see if you qualify.
For more information reach out to Jessica Novak with United Way jnovak@unitedwaytucson.org
Additionally, there is a webinar about grants HERE.
-Social-Emotional Learning Standards- Some good news from the Arizona Department of Education. There is a new curriculum based on Social Emotional Learning standards. Check it out here.
-Masks- We discussed masks. In just a quick poll on our call most of the centers represented have staff wearing masks but children not in masks. Again, this is a decision that you need to make for your center as our centers and needs are unique. Some mask recommendations were (it should be noted that this is not medical advice. We are sharing what has been working for us in our centers) :
For child sized masks- Old Navy online ordering or costco.
For Clear Masks so younger children can see you: https://buy.theclearmask.com/
For Face Shields that wrap around: https://www.rapidresponseppe.com/
-Fingerprint Clearance Card Changes- ADHS Licensing has a new requirement for staff as of 8/25/2020. All staff members must have a fingerprint clearance card on their first day of hire. There is a $100 fine if you are not in compliance.
-DES Update- DES reimbursements will remain at the same January rate through August.
-Hand Sanitizer Recall- Many Hand sanitizers have been recalled. Make sure to check any that you have purchased for your school. Check out the recalled list here.
-Linking Leaders- Linking Leaders still has openings for a free coaching program. For more information contact Kathy Steele Kathy@azecdg.org
-Job Postings- We have been sharing job postings during our call which has been helpful. A reminder to also share job postings on the registry.
-Supplies- Pima County Health Department and the Garden Kitchen have been helping get supplies to centers. Fill out this form Pima County Health Department. Contact Jaqueline Hill jacqueline.hill@azdoa.gov to get supplies for your center if you are an Arizona Enrichment Center.
-Advocacy- Keep advocating for ECE! Go HERE to advocate today!
-Metrics- Yesterday the Arizona Department of Education along with the Arizona Department of Health Services released the metrics for schools to go back into session. Go HERE to read the document in its entirety. Many of us are serving school-age children and these metrics have and will impact us.
Sending strength and health to everyone who is just opening or opening in the coming days and weeks.
Our next meeting will be August 19, 2020 at 2pm.