Thank you to everyone who joined today. We continue to learn from each other. Here is what we discused today.
-Meghan Ruiz and Henry Esparza shared that TUSD will have a few Arizona Enrichment Centers opening Monday. Details are still unfolding. They classrooms will have at least 10 or less in it including the teacher.
-Quality First Scholarships for children who attend QF centers- We have a group of concerned centers who are receiving Quality First Scholarships that they will not be receiving this money. If you would like to join in creating a letter to petition for these funds email me and I can connect you to the team working on this.
-DES- We discussed if parents will still need to pay co-pays if we are closed. DES sent a good FAQ shared to us by Nohemy Hite, but we are still getting clarity as to this answer on co-pays. A reminder that we will be getting reimbursed by DES at the rate we received in January. See more information about that here.
-Stephanie Castillo-Leon at Tucson Community School shared this resource from ADP her payroll company.
-Jenny Douglas and Jeri Goldblatt from Second Street shared their ideas on Connecting with your class while closed.
-Emily Rebro from the Pima County Health Department shared some online resources for Professional Development if your teachers are at home right now.
-CCR&R just released a COVID-19 page that includes their Survey. If you have not taken it please do so this information is helping to inform the state. Additionally, they have a great FAQ page for Providers.
–Conscious Discipline released a book that you can print or read online about ‘Why I can’t go to school today’ This is a great emotional processing tool for children especially if you are doing Zoom Calls. You can get access by signing up for their free content.
-Shanna Kukla shared Something Strange Happened In My City. A story that helps to explain Covid-19 to children.
-We discussed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act again and the upcoming stimulus package. Details and information to come as we receive more on both of these items and how they effect our centers.
Thank you again to everyone for your collaboration and sharing of resources and information. Make sure to take time to breathe if you can today!